We have partnered with some of the industries best to curate exceptional events for you and your guests.
Our partners know us & our venues
Preferred Partners
We are excited to share our list of preferred partners that have been approved to work at our venues.
Please contact them directly for more details and booking.
Quintana Events & Design | 707.939.5081 | quintanaevents.com
Alexis Raine Events | 707.696.3486 | alexisraineevents.com
Kismet Event Co. | 925.324.4464 | kismeteventco.com
Taylor Rae Weddings | 619.647.8271 | taylorraeweddings.com
Vanessa Pence Events | 719.640.4166 | vanessapenceevents.com
Carly Saber Events | 310.882.0400 | carlysaberevents.com
Studio DBI | 202.489.1781 | studiodbi.com
Palette Events Company | 707.793.9645 | paletteeventsco.com
Three Summer Days Events | 707.404.8504 | threesummerdaysevents.com
Charmed Events Group | 949.677.7096 | charmed.events.com
Cole Drake Events | 707.304.5921 | coledrake.com
Seven oh Seven Events| 707.861.2300 | sevenohsevenevents.com
First Pick Planning | 480.686.0040 | firstpickplanning.com
Bash Please | 888.730.4913 | bashplease.com
Jenn Robirds Events | 626.841.3758 | jennrobirdsevents.com
So Eventful Planning & Design | 707.385.9632 | so-eventful.com
Reed & James | 707.889.2531 | reedandjames.com
Curated by Grace & White | 707.480.1170 | curatedbygw.com
Flora Bella Studios (Floral & Planning) | 650.298.9400 | florabellastudios.com
Curated by Alli | 707.477.3022 | curatedbyalli.com
A Savvy Event | 707.996.3340 asavvyevent.com
Off The Beaten Path (Catering & Planning) | offthebeathenpathweddings.com
Extraordinary Weddings & Events | 707.486.2500 | extraordinaryweddingsandevents.com
Marilyn Ambra Weddings & Events | 510.418.3998 | marilynambra.com
Madix and Co.| 310.595.4643 | www.madixandco.com
Sydney Camille Events | 707.299.9096 | sydneycamilleevents.com
Samantha Paull (Corporate Planning) | 707.494.2845 | samantha-paull.com
Jessica Lasky Catering | 510.339.7157 | jessicalasky.com
Park Avenue Catering | 707.793.9645 | parkavecater.com
Culinary Eye Catering | 415.824.1225 | culinaryeye.com
Carrie Dove Catering | 925.788.7677 | carriedovecatering.com
Componere | 510.420.0900 | componerefinecatering.com
Off The Beaten Path Weddings | 707.315.1757 | offthebeatenpathweddings.com
the girl & the fig CATERS! | 707.933.3667 | figcaters.com
Pascaline Fine Catering | 707.521.9348 | pascalinefinecatering.com
Sonoma County Catering | 707.694.3772 | sonomacountycatering.com
Lombardi’s Catering | 707.773.1271 | lombardisbbq.com
Oak Avenue Catering | 707.963.9278 | oakavenuecatering.com
Sage Catering | 415.491.2222 | sage-catering.com
Michi Catering | 408.786.6684 | michilife.com
Tre Posti | 707.963.7600 | tpreposti.com
Chef Garrett Adair | 707.795.3675 | chefadair.com
Palua le Duc Fine Catering | 510.547.7825 | paulaleduc.com
Mazza Catering | 707.953.3359 | mazzacatering.com
Foxtail Catering | 415.282.2600 | foxtail catering.com
Camber Events | 702-278-9338 | camberevents.com
Napa Valley Tours & Transportation | 707.251.9463 | nvtt.net
Beau Wine Tours | 707.938.8001 | beauwinetours.com
Pure Luxury Transportation | 707.775.2920 | pureluxury.com
California Wine Tours | 707.253.1300 | californiawinetours.com
CPA Valet | 707.258.1138 | cpavalet.com
Event Services Plus (Trams & Carts) | 707.303.7224 | esprentals.net
Napa Valley Luxury Restrooms | 707.815.3608 | napavalleyluxuryrestrooms.com
Fancy Flush | 707.553.2629 | fancyflush.com
The Posh Privy | 707.395.7674 | theposhprivy.com
Royal Restrooms | 877.922.9980 | royalrestrooms.com
Water Cottage | 510.495.9633 | thewatercottage.com
Skip to my Loo | 707. 495.5805 | www.skiptomyloo.com
Alicia Parks Photography | 707.843.1126 | aliciaparksphotography.com
Kathryn Monroe Photography | 707.326.0639 | kreatephotography.com
Mike Larson Photography | 805.549.1099 | mikelarson.com
Radostina Boseva Photography | 510.404.3095 | radostina.photography.com
Sarah Eichstedt Photography | saraheichstedtphotography.com
Paige Vaughn Photo | paigevaughnphoto.com
Rustically Romantic Photography | 707.489.5750 | rusticallyromatic.com
Jordan Katz Photography | jordanhkatz.com
Vera Frances Photography | verafrancesphotography.com
Ashley Noelle Edwards | 817.964.4021 | ashleynoelleedwards.com
Victoria Beardslee Photography | 707.710.1206 | victoriabeardsleephoto.com
Bre Thurston Photography | 916. 220.0933 | brethurston.com
Amy Misbach | 707.889.4762 | amyjordanphotography.com
Julie Kay Kelly | 415.302.6437 | www.juliekaykelly.com
Blue Note Weddings | 415.378.3829 | bluenoteweddings.com
Aimee Lomeli | 707.293.6859 | aimeelomelidesigns.com
Front Porch Farm Flowers | 707.433.8683 | fpfarm.com
Jaclyn Nesbitt Designs | 415.948.1626 | jaclynknesbitt.com
Poppystone Floral Design | 415.309.2550 | poppystonedesigns.com
Flower Casita Events Petaluma | 707.559.5243 | flowercasita.com
Violets of the Valley | 707.297.9545 | violetsofthevalley.com
EV Floral Design | 707.341.3474 | evfloraldesign.com
LeBloomerie | 408.502.2704 | lebloomerie.com
Ash + Oak Floral Design Studio | ashandoak.co
Loop Flowers | 415.517.8725 | loopflowers.com
AMS Entertainment | 707.832.7359 amswinecountry.com
Boutique DJs | 707.815.3463 | boutiquedjs.com
Nor Cal Pro Sound | 707.239.2644 | norcalprosound.com
DJ TonyTone | 707.321.6807 | djtonytone.net
Heart Of Gold DJ’s | 415.935.0744 | heartofgolddjs.com
Techtonic Events | 844.483.2428 | techtonicevents.com
Boutique DJ’s | 877.775.5758 | boutiques.com
Dart Collective | dart-collective.com
Steph M Copp | stephmcopp.com
Rust & Honey | rustandhoneyweddingfilms.com
Buster Brown Productions | 323.741.2769 | busterbrownproductions.com
Austin Hendrix Productions | austinhendrixproductions.com
Bright Event Rentals | 707.940.6060 | brightrentals.com
Encore Events Rentals | 707.763.3322 | encoreeventsrentals.com
La Tavola Linen | 707.257.3358 | latavolalinen.com
Theoni Collection | 707.258.6309 | theonicollection.com
Standard Event Rentals | 510.232.5030 | standardeventrentals.com
Hensley | 650.692.7007 | hensleyeventresources.com
Zephyr (Tents) | 510.559.8694 | zephyrtents.com
Creative Lighting Design | 415.420.0413 | napalighting.com
Got Light | 415.863.4300 | got-light.com
The Lux | 707.939.1200 | thelux.com
Napa Valley Media | 707.253.9647 | napavalleymedia.com
Twilight Designs | 707.570.0101 | twilightdesign.biz
A Spoonful of Sugar | 707.338.0509 | aspoonfulofsugarpetaluma.com
Moustache Baked Goods | 707.395.4111 | moustachebakedgoods.com
Gio’s Gelati | 415.910.6498 | giogelati.com
Sweetie Pies | 707.257.8817 | sweetiepies.com
Flour & Bloom Cakes | 707.603.1430 | flourandbloomcakes.com
A Beautiful Ceremony | 707.251.0862 | abcnapavalley.com
Your Ceremony Matters | 707.939.7613 | yourceremonymatters.com
Susan Stone Celebrant | 916.705.3390 | susanstonecelebrant.com
Weddings of Heart | 707.778.1382 | weddingsofheart.com
Wine Country Rabbi | 818.514.9505 | winecountryrabbi.org
Favor Custom Gifts | 707.780.2180 | favorcustomgifts.com
Giggle & Riot (Photo Booth) | 916.760.8414 | giggleandriot.com
K&K Insurance (Vendor Insurance) | 800.637.4757 | kandkinsurance.com
Wed Sure (Wedding Insurance) | 800.364.2433 | wedsure.com
Entire Productions (Event Design) | 415.291.9191 | heather@entireproductions.com
Little Burro Events | 415.987.3301 | littleburroevents@gmail.com
Heart in Hand Creative | 707.364.5031 | erin@heartinhandcreative.com
Wine Country Wedding Carriages | 707.971.9660 | winecountryweddingcarriages.com
Kristina LaJeen (Makeup) | 224.432.9892 | kristina.lajeen@yahoo.com
Napa Note (Invitations + Signage) | 917.822.0556 | napanote.com
Envision Napa Valley | 925.389.1573 | envisionnapavalley.com
Set & Strike (Heather & Dennis Nelson) | setandstrike.com
Erin Parsley (Choreographed dances/ first dances) | 415.860.7628 | erinparsleyweddingdances.com
Fabulous Creations | 707.592.8005 | byfabulouscreations@gmail.com | fabulouscreationsevents.com
Picnic Potential | info@picnicpotential.com | picnicpotential.com
The Wheel Well (Mobile Bars) | wheelwellevents@gmail.com | 925.639.7627 | wheelwellevents.com
Always A Bride Events (Wedding Content Creation) | Alejandra Hernandez | alejandrah@alwaysabride-events.com | alwaysabride-events.com
Envision Design House | 925.389.1573 | envisiondesignhouse.com